Forthcoming Events

The next Jumble trail is due to be held on 4th May 2025

Contact us


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Join Us

If you are interested in joining the group in any capacity we would love to hear from you. Email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

These are the possibilities:

  1. Simply be on our email distribution list and thereby receiveinformation about what’s going on both in Addingham and other local communities.
  2. Saturday Morning GroupJoin our Saturday morning volunteering group. That needs your mobile phone number so we can add you to our “Voluntrees WhatsApp” group. Some of the things we do can be fairly strenuous but mostly the work is easy e.g. plug planting wildflowers, tree and hedge planting etc.
  3. Join either or both of our zero waste and zero carbon groups. These groups meet every six to eight weeks in the Hub to plan village activities.
  4. Become a beck steward by taking a specific interest in a short defined stretch of one of village becks e.g. looking for pollution incidents, clearing litter and rubble, recording aquatic wildlife and removing invasive species.
  5. If you’re interested in birds, join our bird group and send in sightings to our village recorder or take part in one or more of our monthly bird transects where we walk the same route every month.
  6. If you’re interested in bumblebees and butterflies we have volunteers walking along fixed transects in the summer months identifying and recording bee and butterfly numbers. We are always looking for more help and can provide training in identification.