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The next Jumble trail is due to be held on 4th May 2025

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Green Checklist

All these measures are now very well-known but we present them as a checklist and provide links to websites for further information.

The first thing to do is measure your carbon footprint and identify how best to reduce it, year on year using the WWF calculator Please send us your results: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1. Homes
  • Improve the energy efficiency of your home: Contact us if you would like us to use our thermal imaging camera to detect the parts of your home where heat is lost the most. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Insulate, insulate, insulate – roofs, floors and walls
  • Use a home energy monitor to check how much power your electricity appliances use. You can borrow one from the Environment Group
  • Switch every light to low energy LED lights. Don’t wait for the old bulbs to fail. The payback time can be very short
  • Don’t waste energy. Identify and seal up draughts around doors, letterboxes, keyholes, windows and chimneys. Borrow our Demonstration Kit to check your home
  • Don’t over-heat your home in winter and avoid using air conditioning as much as possible in summer
  • Change your energy provider to one that provides power only from renewable sources
  • Turn your thermostat down by a degree or two, maybe wear a sweater
  • Fill your kettle carefully & only boil sufficient water for your immediate needs
  • Install a SMART meter to monitor your use of energy and control how your home is heated during the day and night
  • If you have a south facing (or even east or west facing roof) consider installing solar panels together with a battery to store the energy and use it later when needed, for example, to charge an electric vehicle at night-time. Contact us for advice: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • When it’s time to change your central heating boiler, replace it with an air source heat pump if possible. There are grants available. A hydrogen-ready boiler might be another option.
  1. Travel
  • Walk and/or cycle instead of using a car wherever possible, reducing congestion and pollution as well as carbon emissions
  • Use public transport wherever possible, also reducing congestion and pollution as well as carbon emissions
  • If you use a petrol/diesel powered car, make sure it is correctly maintained, reduce your annual mileage and resist the temptation to speed
  • Make the switch to an electric car as soon as possible. There are no publicly available charging points yet in the village. We are working on it!
  • Reduce the number of times per year you need to fly, especially for short haul flights
  • Use a gold standard scheme to offset the carbon emissions from your flights. Choose your scheme very carefully and read this article first:
  1. Diet
  • Change your diet to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Move away from red meat and dairy products. Cows and sheep have high methane emissions
  • Increase the amount of plant-based food in your diet
  • Buy local and seasonal food where possible, especially food produced in a sustainable way
  • If you buy food from overseas, minimise ‘foodmiles’ & prefer food that is imported by ship rather than flown in and support fairtrade products to benefit the economy of a developing country
  • In general, buy carefully and thoughtfully!
  1. Household goods
  • Manufacturing household goods creates very significant carbon emissions through the production process. Reduce the number of goods you buy as new
  • But do replace old appliances, such as washing machines, with new ones as they will be more energy efficient
  • Buy second-hand items, especially clothes, where possible. Charity shops have high quality products
  • Make unwanted items available to others using e.g. eBay, auction rooms, collection services or our own jumble trail.