Forthcoming Events

The next Jumble trail is due to be held on 4th May 2025

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Tree & Hedgerow Planting

Tree & Hedgerow PlantingWe have been very actively planting trees and hedgerows both with farmers and other landowners as well as in public green spaces in the village. Where possible we favour re-wilding to planting, and we try to plant thoughtfully with the right trees in the right place taking care not to damage other wildlife habitats. Projects in 2020 have been planting over 2000 native trees at sites on Addingham Moorside using funds granted by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and a new hedgerow in Hofmann Wood Field with plants supplied by the Woodland Trust. In 2021 we have planted 85 trees and shrubs in the Memorial Recreational Ground under a Bradford Council scheme and helped to raise the funds to plant 500 trees at a site in Lower Marchup under a Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust/Environment Agency scheme.

The new planting will not only help to sequester carbon but also contribute to flood alleviation and biodiversity gain objectives.