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Bee and butterfly transect observations

One of the principal aims of the Addingham Environment Group is to record village wildlife populations. The Group began recording birds and butterflies in 2017. In May 2019 following discussions with experienced bee recorder Maurice White and a successful volunteer recruitment drive we started a joint bumblebee and – with the assistance firstly of expert Diane Morris and now Nyree Fearnley – butterfly recording scheme.

Having established a number of small wildflower sites within our village Green Spaces our recording scheme was designed not only to document the abundance and composition of bees and butterflies in the village but also to assess the effectiveness of our wildflower projects in attracting pollinators.

Bees & Butterflies

Here’s a link to the resources for bee and butterfly observers, there are maps of the individual transects walked, and in the ‘Species ID guides’ folder there are links to websites and bumblebee videos made by AEG members. There’s also some vintage light entertainment from 1937 that might tickle you, they knew how to dress properly for the stage in those days.

Bee and Butterfly Transects